This spell channels vitality into plants within a specific area. There are two possible uses for the spell, granting either immediate or long-term benefits.
If you cast this spell using 1 action, choose a point within range. All normal plants in a 100-foot radius centered on that point become thick and overgrown. A creature moving through the area must spend 4 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves.
You can exclude one or more areas of any size within the spell's area from being affected.
If you cast this spell over 8 hours, you enrich the land. All plants in a half-mile radius centered on a point within range become enriched for 1 year. The plants yield twice the normal amount of food when harvested.
Plant Growth is a third level spell available to bards, druids and rangers, which allows the caster to enhance the growth of plants within a 150 foot range. The spell can be cast as an action or over an extended period of eight hours, and requires only verbal and somatic components. Once the spell is complete, any affected plants will grow to double their normal size and yield a bountiful harvest, making it an incredibly useful spell for those who rely on agriculture or horticulture for survival. Overall, Plant Growth is a versatile and powerful spell that offers numerous benefits for those who use it.
Plant Growth is D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) 5th edition content, but other TTRPGs may have their own version such as a Plant Growth Pathfinder edition. Want to use Plant Growth in a VTT (virtual tabletop)? Try out SendingStone for free today!
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