Hellish Rebuke - DnD 5e stats

Hellish Rebuke

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in response to being damaged by a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see
  • Classes: Warlock
  • Components: V S
  • Damage: 2d10
  • Damage Type: Fire
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Higher Spell Slot Desc: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 1st.
  • Higher Spell Slot Dice: 1
  • Higher Spell Slot Die: d10
  • Level: 1
  • Name: Hellish Rebuke
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Save: Dexterity
  • School: Evocation
  • Target: The creature that damaged you

You point your finger, and the creature that damaged you is momentarily surrounded by hellish flames. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 1st.

The SendingStone review

Hellish Rebuke is a useful spell for Warlocks that lets them react to any damage they receive from a creature within 60 feet. The spell inflicts 2d10 fire damage on the attacking creature, making it an effective way of punishing enemies who dare to harm the Warlock. Moreover, the casting time of one reaction means that it can be used to retaliate against enemies immediately, providing a useful defensive mechanism. While the spell is limited to Warlocks, it is a potent attack that can surprise enemies and provide an important advantage in combat.

Hellish Rebuke is D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) 5th edition content, but other TTRPGs may have their own version such as a Hellish Rebuke Pathfinder edition. Want to use Hellish Rebuke in a VTT (virtual tabletop)? Try out SendingStone for free today!

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