You place an illusion on a creature or an object you touch so that divination spells reveal false information about it. The target can be a willing creature or an object that isn't being carried or worn by another creature.
When you cast the spell, choose one or both of the following effects. The effect lasts for the duration. If you cast this spell on the same creature or object every day for 30 days, placing the same effect on it each time, the illusion lasts until it is dispelled.
False Aura: You change the way the target appears to spells and magical effects, such as detect magic, that detect magical auras. You can make a nonmagical object appear magical, a magical object appear nonmagical, or change the object's magical aura so that it appears to belong to a specific school of magic that you choose. When you use this effect on an object, you can make the false magic apparent to any creature that handles the item.
Mask: You change the way the target appears to spells and magical effects that detect creature types, such as a paladin's Divine Sense or the trigger of a symbol spell. You choose a creature type and other spells and magical effects treat the target as if it were a creature of that type or of that alignment.
Arcanist's Magic Aura is a Level 2 Wizard spell that can be cast as an action with a range of touch and lasts for 24 hours. The material component required is a small square of silk. This spell allows the caster to alter the magical aura surrounding a target object or creature, making it appear as if it is a different type of magical item or being entirely. While it has potential for sneaky or misleading tactics, some argue that its usefulness is limited as it can be detected with spells or abilities that detect magic auras, making it less effective against experienced casters or those with magical abilities. Overall, opinions on the spell vary, with some seeing it as a useful tool for deception, while others consider it to be a situational spell of limited usefulness in combat or other high-stakes scenarios.
Arcanist's Magic Aura is D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) 5th edition content, but other TTRPGs may have their own version such as a Arcanist's Magic Aura Pathfinder edition. Want to use Arcanist's Magic Aura in a VTT (virtual tabletop)? Try out SendingStone for free today!
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